Pretty Pool Creek 2012, acrylic on canvas. Each panel measures 41x41cm.
This is a sneak preview of my most recent painting destined for the walls of The Courthouse Gallery gift shop. It is still weeks from completion, and although I continue to measure each line to the millimetre, I have relaxed a little. Some of the purple outlines are less than perfect, but there are so many of them that I am prepared to let them slide. What am I talking about? There are many small lines covering the canvases and yet I am obsessively trying to paint each one completely and perfectly straight, which is difficult given they are only 3mm wide. Recently I have been painting until I have pain in my hand and shoulder and obliques while meticulously painting each one of those little (expletive) lines straight. Oh the joy of painting.
On the up side, my husband finally conceded that he liked the painting (all three of them - it's called a tryptic). I also invited a friend over for water, muffins (it was 40C and hot beverages were just out of the question) and painting critique. She also sided with the affirmative.
"Why don't you like them?"
"Because I have been looking at them for so long I have become blind to them."
"Just finish them and send them to the gallery."
"Oh I will. They only need a few more weeks and then they'll be finished."
So then I preceded to do what I was once taught to never do, show all the faults.
"Look at this line here, and this bit here..."
"I couldn't possibly sign my name and ask people for money for a painting that looked like that."
So I guess it's back to the table and easel for a couple more weeks of side numbing pain.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, I haven't asked the octopus (the one who resides under my easel in the painting corner) his opinion yet. I feel he is going to be a tough critic and refuse to seek his advice until I am satisfied this painting is complete.