Wednesday, 24 February 2016


     Boney, acrylic and cotton on paper 297mm x 210mm
 Leafy (work in progress), acrylic on paper 297mm x 210mm
Feathery, acrylic and cotton on paper 297mm x 210mm

I have just realised that, in true Siobhan fashion, I do not have a phtotograph of the completed Leafy painting which I sent to Melbourne yesterday.  That means it will probably sell and I will never see it again.  Perhaps I should have listened to that voice in the back of my head whispering "Take a photograph now before it's too late."  Alas, I listened to the other voice that said "If you don't send them off tomorrow, you risk not being in the show". 

The Show is, of course, The Contemporary Art Society of Victoria's A4 Art Australia exhibition held on Herring Island as a part of the Summer Arts Festival.  Herring Island, for those of you unfamiliar with Melbourne, is a tiny little island in the Yarra River in South Yarra.  The only way to reach the island is by punt, which departs the Como Landing at regular intervals.

The objects I painted were chosen specifically for their size and shape.  I included the shadows of leaves becasue I felt they added depth.  I choose to ignore the shadows of the ibis skull and leafy sea dragon  because I felt the objects filled the page without requiring anything extra.  That and they were reasonably complicated.  I have noticed that while I always paint the shadows of leaves, I rarely paint the shadows of feathers.  I'm not sure why that is.  Perhaps it is because most of the feathers I paint are black and white and I tend to paint shadows in grey?  While leaves are quite curly and have remarkably interesting shadows that help create a sense of form and depth.

So these three paintings will be framed and hung with (no doubt) hundreds of other A4 sized art works.  And once again I have found another distraction from the work that I was doing.