Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Materials and Stories


Rosalie Gasgoine
Lantern (detail), recycled retro reflective road signs on plywood 102.6x77cm 1990

Lorraine Connelly-Northey
Possum Skin Cloak, rusted  corrugated iron and wire 119.5x131.5x5cm 2005-2006

What a joy to finally go out in to the world and see some art again.  I ventured both locally and megalopolisly (Melbourne.  And yes, I just made that word up).  Most thrilling of all, was the opportunity to see Found And Gathered, the Rosalie Gasgoine and Lorraine Connelly-Northey exhibition at the Ian Potter Center in Federation Square.

Reflecting on this exhibition, several things come to mind.  The lack of people was eerily evident. The gallery was empty of patrons, which allowed for greater indulgence when spending time with the work.  The other thing that struck me, was the sense of light and space in this exhibition.  It was like the walls were breathing.  There seemed to be so much light and space, that each artwork floated in a sea of white space.  The combination of these two curatorial aspects allowed for a deeper contemplation and appreciation of each artwork on its own, and in relation to the exhibition as a whole.

My greatest admiration for these woman’s artwork, was the repurposing of discarded materials to create, or recreate, stories.While Rosalie creates an aesthetic from her collected objects, her titles often reflect poems or literary references.  Lorraine uses discarded materials associated with European settlement, wire, corrugated iron, pressed metal, and manipulates them in commentary on the relationship between European and indigenous cultures, the traditional stories of her maternal Waradgenrie Country.  

While Rosalies work explores repetition, wide open spaces, country and loneliness, Lorraines work explores her indigenous heritage and traditions, and stories of community and Country.  Both these women weave stories and experiences using industrial materials found in tips and roadside, documenting personal journeys and and a sense of place. It was my absolute pleasure spending time in an empty gallery with both of these remarkable women.
