Friday, 23 August 2013

Cyclone Tracy

I have just found this wonderful image painted by Rover Thomas, titled 'Cyclone Tracy' 1991.  The image depicts a black void as the cyclone gaining intensity as it makes its way towards Darwin and the resulting winds kicking up the red dust, which feed into the void.  Cyclone Tracy is both sophisticated and simple.  The black void allows for quiet contemplation of the wake of the devastating and destructive winds and emphasises the scale of the event that occurred.

This is what a cyclone painting should look like, something organic, imposing and encompassing.  It is not green.  Nor is it a literal reproduction of a computer modelling system.  It is time for me to move away from the literal and in to something much more intuitive.  I am in immense anticipation of once again having a studio in which to spread out and allow ideas and concepts to ferment, develop and grow without having to pack them away every afternoon.  Rather it is time to pack away the projector and allow the imagination to run rampant.

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